Good News!

Today at the Bishop's Committee meeting at Church of the Saviour in Clermont, Iowa, we received some very good financial news. It seems that the total amount of pledges has risen by over 26% as compared to last year. I have heard from a number of other local Churches of all denominations with a common theme, congregations are putting less and less in the collection plate.

So it is truly a Godsend to be part of a small but growing congregation that doesn't have to worry whether there will be enough money to keep the lights on and the toilet flushing.


Frank D. Myers said…
Now that I've found your blog, could I encourage you to post more photographs of the addition to Church of the Saviour. This is mostly snoopy-ness, since I've visited the church in pre-restroom days and want to see where the addition went and how it looks.

Indoor plumbing also is, relatively speaking (as in a few years ago), an innovation at Grace Church, sister parish to my own (St. Andrew's) down here in southern Iowa.

It makes me happy that a parish can survive (then thrive) without it, but the arrival of a flush toilet certainly is a cause for rejoicing.

Easter blessings to you and yours!

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