Twenty Years of Wedded Bliss (ok, sometimes it wasn't blissful...)

On August 13, 1988 in West Bend, Iowa, two young idealistic people got married. Now, twenty years later, they have been through ups and downs, the births of five beautiful children, the grief of losing parents, dreams realized, and dreams not realized. Through it all they stayed together which sometimes was very hard but it all was worth it. Marriage isn't just about love; it is about commitment. When I see friends and family that have gotten divorced I feel very sad because they don't have the special bond that my wife and I have. Maybe they never had a bond like we have and that is the reason for the couple going separate ways.
I pray for all couples, that they have the bond that true love and commitment gives them and that it will endure always.
For what it is worth, I've added your blog to my links list.
some people have a greater sense of commitment than others I think, and some did not marry the right person or married too young, etc. I cannot fault them all--God knows, we make plenty of mistakes, we humans!
i am so glad your choices were good and your commitments strong and firm. May you have a next wonderful 20 years likewise (and more)!
You are right, some people do have a greater sense of commitment. Maybe I am just hardwired that way, to commit to something and stay that way. I guess I could say that in some areas I can be downright stubborn. I probably did marry too young (I was 20 when I got married) and I certainly have made plenty of mistakes along the way. In fact, I believe that most women would have gotten rid of me for some of the stupid things that I've done. But I was paired up with someone that was just as stubborn as I was, and wasn't going to let temporary idiocy destroy a life long commitment.
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