Come to the Party!

The capitol dome in Madison, Wisconsin. OK, so I haven't been updating this blog like I thought I would so I will be trying to catch up. This is a sermon that I gave at The Church of the Saviour in Clermont, Iowa on October 12, 2008. The basis for the message is Matthew 22:1-22:14. Jesus says "The Kingdom of God is like a party", and that sounds like good news, especially if you are a lover of parties. Personally, I am not a great lover of parties. Indeed, I generally dread it when I am invited to a party. Questions immediately come to mind: ’who else is going to be there?’, ’do I have to get dressed up?’, ’can I get out of it?’ Now just so you don't think I'm really the world's most boring person, I did enjoy Fiesta Lopez that we had here in August. Parties are meant to be fun of course, but we all know that some parties are just a hard to get through. If you have ever watched “Keeping up Appearances” on public TV or on BBC, you would recognize that Hyac...