Trick or Treat

Photo by Conner Baker on Unsplash Good and Gracious God, may we remember to love you with all of our heart, soul, and mind, may we also remember to love our neighbors as ourselves, in the name of the creator, redeemer, and comforter. Amen. My daughter, Glyn, has a favorite prayer from the Scottish tradition. It seems an appropriate way to start today . From ghoulies and ghosties. And long-leggedy beasties. And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us! Amen. Next weekend combines All Hallow’s Eve, which we call Halloween, and the feast of All Saint’s Day on Sunday. They both are Christian holidays. Let me repeat that. They are both Christian holidays. Regardless of that social media post you saw or that story your well-meaning neighbor shared about paganism, the All Hallows Eve Vigil and All Hallows Day were placed into the Christian tradition in the 7th Century by Pope Boniface IV. Hallow means ‘holy,’ so we are celebrating the holy p...