Jesus Understands

Martha and Mary Orthodox Icon This is the sermon that was offered up during Morning Prayer on July 29, 2020 on the feast day of Martha and Mary of Bethany. This service was held at Trinity Episcopal Church in Muscatine, Iowa during a time of congregational discernment. The scripture readings were Psalm 36:5-10, Romans 12:9-13, and Luke 10:38-42. O God, be with us today as we discern together. May the Holy Spirit be present, as we remember that we need to both serve you and listen to your voice. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Have you ever been able to juggle? I can juggle one orange at a time. And sometimes two. But definitely not three... In the reading from Romans, we hear lots of ideas about juggling priorities as Christian people. Here are four: Love one another. Be ardent in spirit. Serve the Lord. Extend hospitality to strangers. And then in the Gospel story we just heard, we...