
The temptations of Jesus. This is the sermon I gave the Episcopal Church of the Saviour in Clermont, Iowa on March 13, 2011. Readings: Matthew 4:1-11 Romans 5:12-19 Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7 Psalms 32 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. We have entered Lent, it is a time that is set aside for self examination, repentance, reconciliation and restoration. And on this first Sunday of Lent, we hear the readings where Jesus is tempted, Adam and Eve are tempted and sin, and Paul tells the Romans that sin is death. It is a good thing that the Psalm tells us that we can be forgiven of our sins, otherwise this could be a real downer. But, I'm going to focus today on Jesus and the temptations that he faced and what he did about them. If a commercial on the television is to be believed then temptation truly comes in the form of cake or chocolate or chocolate cake, but of course temptation comes in many shapes and si...